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Amoia Cody Architects


Phone (631) 355-1328
Address PO Box 1242,
Bridgehampton, NY 11932 United States


Amoia Cody Architects brings to its clients a philosophy in design that emphasizes the creation of environments for the individuals they serve. As architects, our first job is to listen. Architecture is about appropriateness. It is important that building, interior space and landscape are integral to place and context. Architecture is about Process not Style. No two building projects are the same; each requires a solution unique to the client, the program, and the site. It is the role of the architect to uncover the nature of each project and reveal its form.

Amoia Cody has the education, training, experience, and vision to guide clients' thorough the development, the creation, and the construction of quality and cost effective projects. Building is a complex dance between the owner, contractor, user, officials, and public interests and of course capital. No matter the size, large or small, Amoia Cody understands how to choreograph the dance to result in a harmonious and agreeable end result.

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